The active911-connector application
The active911-connector is a Windows application that connects to your Spillman Flex Data Exchange’s HTTP Rest endpoint, pulls alerts from that connection, and sends them to Active911 via SNPP.
Obtaining the installer
Currently the Spillman Flex Data Exchange Integration is still in beta. Please have one of your agency admins email if your agency would like to join the beta testing, and we will send you the installer for the application.
Setting up the application
1. When you receive the installer (a .exe file), double click on the file to install it onto your Windows machine. Once it is installed, open the application and you will see this log in page.
3. Next you will see the Set Up page where you will configure the application to connect to your HTTP Rest endpoint and connect your FlexDex agency identifier to an ActiveAlert agency alerting email.
HTTP Rest Endpoint
The first section is to input your credentials and URL for your HTTP Rest endpoint.
Note |
Changes to any of the three fields will require you to verify the connection again. |
Active911 Connection Options
The Active911 Connection Options currently only has the selected options. When the options expand to have more choices, this document will be updated to include details on each one.
Configure Agencies
The last step is the Configure Agencies section.
Note |
Changes to any of the fields will require you to verify the connection again. |
Begin sending alerts
Once all fields are valid, the START ACTIVE911 CONNECTION button will be enabled.