The Windows PC app is now available for download by clicking the installer link below. You can install the Active911 Windows PC app on any Windows computer or tablet.

Download the PC App Now


Basic Setup

  1. Download the PC app via the “Download the PC App Now” at the top of this page.

  1. Check with your IT staff that port 5222 is open and allowed through firewalls in order to receive alerts and updates from other devices. In most situations, setup can be completed without this step. We recommend contacting our support team to confirm if this step is necessary for you.

  2. Once installed, open the Active911 app and enter your device code. If you need help getting your device code, click here.

  3. When your device code is entered correctly, the map will appear with the alert list on the left side.


Any tablet or PC running the Active911 Windows PC App must have a connection to the internet. The app will only update with new alerts when the app is open and running. The app will receive alerts when it is minimized and running it in the "background".

If your Windows Desktop App is not showing up on response maps, you may need to troubleshoot the GPS. Go to the GPS troubleshooting page and follow the instructions. We need an accuracy of better than 100 meters in order to use your GPS position. If you are not getting good GPS accuracy, you may need to install GPSGate or a plugin supplied by your GPS manufacturer.


If you click Active911 on the menu bar in the app, and select Settings you have a Settings Window pop open with the following tabs: general, mapping, and agencies. Here is a break down of the three tabs:

General Tab


Show Alerts For

Measurement System


Mapping Tab

Mapping Settings

Default Map Style

Use default location?

Route to Call?

Map Marker Density

Map Marker Size

Agencies Tab

Alert Tone

Duty Status

Shift settings for more on Auto.

Your Assignment


Advanced Tab

Live AVL Report

Enabling this option will allow the app to relay device position data to an AVL (Automatic Vehicle Locating) system. This feature is only available in the PC version of the app.

CradlePoint Router GPS

Automatically Detect GPS

Additional AVL Information

The app will only attempt to create and maintain a connection to an AVL system if the feature is enabled. If the feature is enabled, the app will check once a second to see if the connection is open. If the connection is not open, then it will attempt to reconnect. This will continue until the app is closed or a connection is established.

NMEA Sentences

AVL Reporting uses TAIP (Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol) which is part of the NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association). Here's a brief overview of the proprietary Active911 NMEA sentences used for conveying AVL information.

General sentence structure

$A91,{message type},{device id},{agency id},{device name},{latitude},{longitude}

Specific example


$A91- Identifies the message as a custom active911 NMEA sentence

position- Notifies that this is a position sentence

195389- The id of the device associated with this position

3- The id of the agency context this data is given in

Dev-Windows- The name for this device specific to this agency

44.123456- The latitude to six decimal points

Workflow For Sending Alerts

This workflow requires that your device has been given the "Send Alerts" capability by the admin of your agency.

  1. Right click on the location of the map you want to create an alert for.

  2. A new menu will appear.

  3. Select the Create Alert option

  4. A new Create Alert Window will appear

  5. Enter the information you want the alert to contain, and select the pagegroup(s) you want to send the alert to.

  6. Click the Send button.

Alternately, you can send an alarm without using the map by clicking Active911 on the menu bar and selecting Create Alert. If you do this, we will try to map the address you have typed in.