In order to see this tab, one must be logged in with the following User Permissions: Login

This is the first tab on the left side of the page. It will say your name or the nickname that you were registered under. "Looking for your other accounts?" If the account name at the top of the page is not the one you need to view, select the words "other account". This will show you if you are registered under any other accounts with the same email address.

My Devices

Your device information will be listed here. It will provide the following information in this order:

Device Type "Device Name" Device Code

You can select the line to view the Device Settings.

Device Settings

The following information can be viewed:

Personal Purchasing/Renewing

If your device needs to be paid for and is set to be covered by a personal subscription, you will see this above the list of your devices:

No subscription assigned warning

To make a payment, select the blue "Fix now for $12.75 each" button. This will take you to the "Add Service" screen, which will look like this:

Add individual subscription modal

Follow these steps to complete the payment:

  1. Select which device you are paying for (if there is more than one listed)

  2. Select payment method

  3. Enter card number

  4. Enter expiration date

  5. Enter CVV code (this is the three digits on the back of your card on the same line as your signature)

  6. Check the box to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy and Refund Policy.

  7. Select the Confirm button once you have reviewed all your information.

Once the payment is made, an email confirmation will be automatically sent to the email address you logged in under.