Step By Step Setup
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After you’ve started a trial, there are a few steps you’ll need to perform to set up your agency to use ActiveTeam. You’ll need to: add users, assign them licenses and create schedules, positions, and stations.
To complete these steps you’ll need either Edit Permissions or Edit ActiveTeam permissions. Throughout these guides, that will be referred to as “being an administrator”.
Adding Users
Only personnel with Active911 user accounts (not just device codes) can be added to positions on shifts. If your agency has been using ActiveAlert, you may already have some users set up. You can add other users in one of two ways: one at a time or in bulk. Both are described below in summary--for more information see the relevant pages in this help center.
Individual User Creation--on the ActiveTeam Calendar page’s side bar, click + Create User. You must give the user a first and last name (which will be displayed as “first last” throughout the application) as well as an email address. All other fields are optional.
Bulk User Creation--on the ActiveTeam Calendar page’s side bar, click + Bulk Create Users. Here you can manually add users (one user per row), import your agency’s device list (which fills out the first and last name fields from the device name), or download a CSV template that you can fill in in a spreadsheet package and upload. As with individual user creation, the first name, last name, and email address fields are required; the phone number is optional. Users created this way will only have login permissions--if you wish to change permissions, you can do so via the Users page or by clicking on their name in the navigation sidebar.
The email address must be one that the user has regular access to. It will be their username to log in to the web portal and the mobile app as well as the place where request notifications are sent. Logging in to the mobile app requires receiving an email verification code sent to this email address. Email addresses cannot be changed once the user is created.
Users created in ActiveTeam can also log in to the web portal and see the individual dashboard for ActiveAlert; they can also have devices and other ActiveAlert permissions added to them.
Assigning Licenses
Just like ActiveAlert has device licenses, ActiveTeam has user licenses. These must be assigned to users that can log in and view/use ActiveTeam. Logging in to the mobile apps as well as responding to requests and viewing the calendar or submitting availability requires a current ActiveTeam license.
You are prompted to assign licenses when you first load the ActiveTeam web application, but once licenses have been assigned, further changes happen through the Billing tab on the sidebar, just like you manage ActiveAlert device licenses.
Creating Schedules
The core of the ActiveTeam product is the schedule. Schedules are discussed in much more detail on the Create a Schedule page, but you’ll need at least one schedule, with its associated station and at least one position, to make use of ActiveTeam.
There are two types of schedules supported in ActiveTeam--repeating and non-repeating schedules. Repeating schedules are the most common type, when one or more shifts reoccur on a fixed pattern (ie 24 on/48 off, California Shifts, etc). Non-repeating schedules are for events that occur outside of that pattern or for agencies whose scheduling is ad hoc based on availability of personnel. Each shift on a non-rotating schedule happens once at a specific time and then not again.
Repeating Schedules
To create a repeating schedule, click on the + Repeating Schedule button.
Give the schedule a name (must be unique) and a reporting status (on call, on site, or on call/on site).
If you haven’t already created a station, click on the Reporting Station drop down and click + Create New Station. You’ll need to give the station a unique name.
Assign the schedule a start date and a start time – this is the first day/time that the schedule will take effect.
You can either assign a quick-build template or select a custom rotation.
Once you’re happy with how the rotation looks, you’ll need to add at least one position (role that can be filled by someone) to the shifts. For rotating schedules, all shifts on the schedule have the same positions.
If you haven’t created any positions yet, click on the positions needed bar and select + Create New Position. See Create a Position for details.
Position permissions are described in detail in Position Permissions Explained.
Optionally, you can assign users to positions at this stage. They’ll show up as filling those positions on every one of those shifts, although you can change these assignments later.
Non-repeating Schedules and Shifts
Non-repeating schedules, unlike repeating ones, are simply names for groups of shifts. To create your first non-repeating shift (and its schedule), click on the + Non-Repeating Shift button in the side bar.
You’ll need to give the shift a name, a start date and time and a shift length (2 h - 24 hours).
All non-repeating shifts must be part of a non-repeating schedule--to assign this, click on the dropdown. If you don’t already have a suitable schedule, click the + Create New Schedule option and fill in the name for the schedule.
Just like with repeating shifts, non-repeating shifts need a reporting station. If you haven’t already created a station, click on the Reporting Station drop down and click + Create New Station. You’ll need to give the station a unique name.
You’ll also need to assign at least one position to the shift. If you haven’t created any positions yet,