Position Permissions Explained

Position Permissions Explained

Position Permissions are the permissions set on a position level. Permissions control the level of autonomy given to users for that shift.

The positions permissions are displayed like this:

Unrestricted, Restricted, Closed

The three main categories of position permissions are Unrestricted, Restricted, and Closed.

Unrestricted = Any user can claim or request a shift in this position, regardless of their qualifications

Restricted = Only a user who is qualified can claim or request a shift in this position

Closed = No one, regardless of qualifications, can claim or request a shift in this position. An admin must manually fill any position with this permission


User Qualifications / Approved Positions

In order for users to qualify for a certain position, the position must be added to their “Approved Positions” section within their user settings.

Once a user has a position in their “Approved Positions” field, they’ll be able to claim or request positions with the “Restricted” permission.


Locked, Unlocked

The two subcategories of permissions are locked and unlocked.

Locked = Users have to request a shift and get it approved by an admin before they occupy that position

Unlocked = Users can claim a shift and they will occupy that position immediately


Permission FAQs

Changes will take effect immediately.


From Unlocked to Locked:

  • Positions will now need to be requested instead of claimed

  • Anyone who already claimed the shift will still occupy that position


From Locked to Unlocked:

  • Positions can now be claimed instead of requested

  • All requests associated with this positions will be closed


From Unrestricted to Restricted:

  • From now on, only qualified users can claim or request this position

  • Anything in the past will not be effected


From Restricted to Unrestricted

  • Qualifications are no longer required to claim or request a shift

  • Any requests that have been made by unqualified users will be closed


From anything to Closed:

  • Anyone who has already claimed a shift will not be effected

  • Any requests sent for this position will be closed

  • From now on, nobody can claim or request this position; admins must fill it manually


From Closed to anything:

  • Starting immediately, the new permissions will be in effect

  • Nothing in the past will change


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