Mobile App

Mobile App

There are ActiveTeam apps available for both iOS 14.7+ and Android 6.0+.

iOS app store: ‎Active911 ActiveTeam

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.active911.activeteam

ActiveTeam on mobile is a way for all personnel to have quick and easy access to their schedule, claim and request shifts, respond to coverage requests, submit availability, and track work times.

A license is required to gain access.

Most features can be accessed on both the Active911 web console and the ActiveTeam apps. How-to pages will include how to perform the task on both the web and mobile.

Mobile Features:

Most features can be accessed on both the Active911 web console and the ActiveTeam apps. How-to pages will include how to perform the task on both the web and mobile.

In addition to viewing the calendar with shifts, users have the ability to:



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