Two-Tone Detection

Two-Tone Detection

Two-Tone detection is a feature that will allow ActiveComms users to keep their channels on silent until their selected presets go off.

Two-Tone Detection is an ActiveComms feature that alerts users when a two-tone preset sequence is played in a channel. Tone detection is only run on channels linked to a Radio Bridge Configuration. You can see which channels are linked to a Radio Bridge Configuration via the Channel Management tab.

An admin must log into the web interface and add a new preset by following the steps below:

Tone presets are viewed, added, edited, and deleted via the ActiveComms Feature Selections tab on the web interface.

Viewing tone presets

  1. Go to the Feature Selections tab. All tone presets belonging to that agency will be displayed in a table, including the name and the created date of the preset.

Creating tone presets

  1. Go to the Feature Selections tab and click the NEW TONE PRESET button to open the New Tone Detection Preset modal.

  2. Enter a preset name and the frequencies in hertz for the two tones to be detected.

    1. The pattern that will be listened to is the first frequency played for 1 second, followed by the second frequency played for 3 seconds.

    2. Frequencies must be in the range 288.5hz through 2500hz, inclusive

  3. Once filled out, click CREATE NEW PRESET

Editing tone presets

  1. Go to the Feature Selections tab and click the three dots on the far right of the row of the preset you want to edit

    1. These options are currently only available while not on mobile view.

  2. Select Edit to open the Edit Tone Detection Preset modal

  3. Edit the name and frequencies of the tone preset

    1. The pattern that will be listened to is the first frequency played for 1 second, followed by the second frequency played for 3 seconds.

    2. Frequencies must be in the range 288.5hz through 2500hz, inclusive

  4. Once done, click SAVE

Deleting tone presets


  1. Go to the Feature Selections tab and click the three dots on the far right of the row of the preset you want to edit

    1. These options are currently only available while not on mobile view.

  2. Select Delete to open the confirmation modal

  3. Click DELETE to delete, CANCEL to go back

An ActiveComms user can select the desired tones by following the steps below:

  1. Open ActiveComms Overlay and turn on ActiveComms

  2. Once ActiveComms is booted, click on the settings gear.

  3. Look for the Tone Detection option and select it.

  4. Select the channel where you want to include the available tones.

  5. Select the tones you want to add to the channel.

  6. Navigate out of settings, assign the configured channel in any of the slots and click the mute button.

  7. Once the Mute option is in yellow, the channel actively listens to the desired presets.