Making a Payment

Making a Payment

Trial to Paid

To convert from a trial to a paid account, click the Fix this now button at the top of your screen. If you convert to a paid account, paging will not work until you additionally purchase a subscription.

There are two ways of purchasing a paid account: you may pay for your account all together (agency subscription) or you may allow your users to log in and each pay for their own devices (personal subscriptions). An agency subscription does not mean that your agency has to pay for all devices on the account; it just means that you are purchasing a bulk subscription and that you will act as a group when seeking support. Agency subscriptions have access to bulk purchase discounts.

Once you select the type of account you want to purchase, select the blue Convert button under that type. The Individual option will automatically convert the account. Once this is done, make sure the members on the account know they will need to login to pay for their device to maintain service. The Agency option will give the following options for payment:

  • Email me an Invoice

  • Credit Card (or Debit Card)


Primary Account Contact

Sometimes we need to contact someone regarding your account. If you have multiple users, we don't know who to contact. You might think that we would contact the person who started the account, but this is not necessarily true. Since Active911 is used by public service agencies, it is often the case that the person who creates an account is not the one who ultimately ends up administering it.

Additionally, if someone wants to start using Active911 within your agency, we want to direct them to the right person. Setting the primary contact controls whose name is listed for these requests (we don't publicly show your email address or phone number, just your name and the phone number for the agency).

Setting a Primary Account Contact

A primary account contact is set from the Agency tab of your Active911 account. Anyone may become the account contact as long as they have the Edit Permissions permission. This is important to do prior to sending a check payment since we cannot process a check payment without a Primary Account Contact.

  • On the Agency tab, under “Primary Account Contact” click “Edit”

  • Select a member from the dropdown list. If the member you are looking for is not in the list, you should go to the Members page and make sure they have Edit Permissions.

  • Click Confirm

A confirmation email will be sent to this person, informing them that you would like them to become the primary contact for the account. The email contains a special link. If they accept the request and click on the link, they will become the new account contact, displayed on the Agency page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the subscription for? One year. If additional subscriptions are added onto an agency account part way through their annual subscription, it will be pro-rated to expire at the same time as the rest of the account.

If a device is paid for by another account, do we need to pay for it again? No, each device only needs to be paid for once. Once it is activated, it can be added to an unlimited number of accounts without needing another subscription.

Do I need to wait until the trial is over to convert the account to Paid? No, an account can be converted at any time.

Is payment information saved? No, we do not keep payment information on file. Every year the account will need to be renewed. If the admin chooses to pay by card, they will need to login and re-enter the card information to process the payment.

How do members login to pay for their own personal devices? Go to Active911.com, under Member Access, to login. Enter your email and password. If you do not have or know your password, leave the password field blank and select Go. This will send you a new password link to your email. Once logged in, you should see your device listed with a blue Fix Now for $15.75 button. If you see your device, but not the button, refresh the page. If you do not see a device listed, please check with your admin or contact Support.

How do we know the subscription will expire? The subscription expiration date will be listed on the Agency tab within the account. The Primary Account Contact will also start to receive emails from Active911 at 60 days prior to expiration as a reminder to login to renew.

How do I get a receipt? Receipts are automatically sent when payment is processed. If the payment is made by an admin by credit card, the receipt is sent to the email address of the member who is logged in. If the payment is sent via check, the Primary Account Contact is sent a receipt to their email once the payment is processed. If you do not get the receipt as expected, you can contact Support for a copy and/or to check and make sure the payment was processed correctly.

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