Connecting ActiveAlert to Your Dispatch Center

Connecting ActiveAlert to Your Dispatch Center

The information provided in this guide is for account admins. Regular users will not be able to complete the steps listed.


ActiveAlert is set up differently for each account depending on your Dispatch Center. This is because we adjust our system to match with your CAD (computer-aided dispatch), making it easier for all parties involved.

We have built an integration that allows us to connect with any CAD using SNPP or SMTP protocols. It makes our system seamless with CAD and creates no extra work for dispatch after the initial set up. We do not charge any set up fees and there is no additional equipment required from us.

To get this set-up, you must provide your dispatch center with a specific email address provided by Active911 in your account.

Where do I find my alert email address?

The Alert Email is your agency account’s unique secure email address. It can be found on the Agency tab when you login to your Active911 account.

The “Alert Email” section is located directly under the pie chart. The email will look like this: 12345-OnlyAnExample@alert.active911.com (this is for example purposes only).

Sending the Alert Email Address to Dispatch

Now that you have located the Alert Email address for your Active911 account, it’s time to send it over to your dispatch center.

We have two simple ways that you can do this.

Pro Tip: Copy and Paste the Alert Email address into either option below rather than trying to type it out.

Option 1: Fill out this form and send it as an email attachment to your dispatch center.

Option 2: Copy and paste the text in the below box into an email to your dispatch center, be sure to update with your agency information as well as your Alert Email address.

Agency Name:

Account Admin:

Phone Number:

Alert Email Address:

Dispatch: the above Alert Email address will need to be set up in the CAD as a recipient for our agency. If you are unsure how to complete this, please let us know and we will have an Active911 representative reach you. You can also contact them directly at support@active911.com or at 541-223-7992.

You can also find additional information here: CAD systems and paging interfaces

If your dispatch center is unsure of how to handle this request, you can reach out to our support team with your dispatch center’s contact information and we will be happy to assist. You can reach them via email or phone at support@active911.com or 541-223-7992.

Once Your Account Starts Receiving Alerts

Once your agency account starts receiving calls, we will start adjusting how our system reads your alert messages (this is called parsing).

It takes about 12 calls to refine this process. During this time, you may receive a General Alert or the alert may be unreadable. Please be patient and communicate with our Support Team if it continues after the first dozen calls.

Paging by Groups

If you are interested in paging out by specific units or stations, please read this guide about pagegroups.


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