

The calendar tab on web and mobile is the tab where you can see shifts on a calendar.

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On Web

While in the Calendar tab on the web, you can see all of your shifts and schedules on a calendar, and you can filter what you see on the calendar by using the filters in the sidebar.

From the “Create” dropdown or from any of the specific sections you can create schedules, stations, positions, and users. You can also edit each of those from the sidebar by clicking on them.

To learn more about the managing components go here: Management Page


Click on a shift to get more information about it and make modifications. From this modal you can add and modify users as an admin, or claim and request shifts as a user.

To learn more about modifying shifts go here: Editing Shift Occurrences

To learn more about claiming and requesting shifts go here: Sending a Coverage Request

For Schedules and Stations, there are check boxes next to each component and “Select All” / “Deselect All” buttons at the top. These items are used to filter the calendar. Unchecking a box will remove it from view. You can click “Select All” to check all the boxes in that section, or “Deselect All” to uncheck them all.

Use the controls in the top right of the page to change the week you’re viewing and to quickly jump back to this week by clicking “Today”

On Mobile

While on the calendar tab on the ActiveTeam mobile app, you can click on a day of the week to see the shifts on that day.

Any day that has a colored dot indicates the start date of a shift that you’re on. If the shift spans multiple days, you will still only see the shift on the start date.

Scroll down the page to see shifts for your different agencies. You can also claim and request shifts from this view.


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