Individual User Creation
Here you’ll learn how to create a single user from within the ActiveTeam web application.
You’ll need to have Edit ActiveTeam and Edit Agency permissions to perform this operation.
Users created will have access to ActiveAlert via the web portal as well.
1. From the ActiveTeam Calendar page, click + Create User on the management sidebar.
2. Enter the new user’s first name and last name. Their name will be displayed as “First Last” everywhere throughout the product.
3. Enter the new user’s email address.
Email addresses cannot be changed once the user is created. Make sure the email is correct!
The email address chosen should be one that the user has access to. It will be their username for logging in to both the web application and the mobile apps. Request notifications will be sent to their emails. To log into the mobile apps, a user must receive an emailed challenge code and enter it into the apps, so having mobile access to the email is strongly recommended.
Required fields are highlighted below.
4. Optionally, enter any of the following information.
a phone number. This can be used as an alternative way to log in to the web portal but not the mobile apps.
One or more permissions. The only ActiveTeam specific permission is Edit ActiveTeam, which gives administration privileges to the user.
Approve the user for one or more restricted positions. See Position Permissions Explained for more details.
Assign the user one or more agency devices. Note--this is entirely informational at this point.
5. Click Save User.
🎉 Individual User Creation complete! Now you can create your users one at a time. If you want to do this in bulk, see Bulk User Creation.