Add Positions to a Shift

Add Positions to a Shift

There are many instances where you can add positions to a shift:

  1. Within a rotating schedule. This will add those positions to every shift in that schedule.

  2. Within a non-repeating shift. This will add those positions to only that shift.

  3. While editing a repeating shift. This will modify the positions for only that shift occurrence


1. Click into the “Positions Needed” field


2. The dropdown list of positions will show up. Click on the position you want to add, or select “+ Create New Position” to create a new one.


3. Once you’ve clicked a position, it will show up as a chip in the “Positions Needed” field

From here, you can:

  • Click the “X” on the chip to remove that position

  • Stop adding positions and save your shift or schedule

  • Click in the box again to add more positions


4. In order to add multiple of the same position, it’s required that you select it from the list again. You can add up to 25 positions on a single shift.


🎉 You’ve added positions to a shift! Don’t forget to save your work

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