Submitting Availability

How do users let the administration know when they can and cannot be scheduled for work? Using the Availability Page, found in both the web portal and mobile apps.

Only users with licenses can submit availability.

Users with Edit ActiveTeam permissions (admins) can only view user-submitted availability for now.

Instructions (Web)

Once you’re logged into,

1. Navigate to the Availability tab on the navigation sidebar. It’s located as a sub-page of ActiveTeam.

2. Click on the gold Submit Availability button.

3. Select either Available or Unavailable.

4. Select the date that your availability (or unavailability) starts. If you don’t select a time, it will start at midnight on that day. Example: if you choose September 21, 2021 and don’t choose a time, you are available starting September 21, 2021 at 00:00.

5. Select the date that your availability (or unavailability) ends. If you don’t select a time, it will end at midnight the following day. Example: if you choose September 21, 2021 and don’t choose a time, you are available until September 22, 2021 at 00:00.

Availability periods cannot overlap. Select non-overlapping dates and times.

6. Click Save. The modal will close and you should see your submission in the spreadsheet.

🎉 Availability submission complete!

Instructions (Mobile Apps)

Once you’ve logged in to the ActiveTeam mobile app,

1. Navigate to the Availability Page via the three-bar (hamburger) menu in the top right corner.

2. Click on the gold Submit Availability Button above the sort dropdown.

3. If you’re part of more than one agency using ActiveTeam, select an agency from the dropdown. If you’re part of only one agency with ActiveTeam, it will be pre-filled and locked.

4. Select either Available or Unavailable

5. Select a starting date/time.

6. Select an ending date/time that is after the start time.

7. Optionally add a note, up to 200 characters.

8. Tap Save. Your submission should show up under the correct agency.

🎉 Mobile availability submission complete!0.25

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